Exactly How A Woman Can Never Work Again
- by admin

[Something I know from personal experience.]
You should watch this movie before you get married. REALIZE: You you have better than 50% chance of ending up here. You both will be dragging your children with you. I recommend that you reconsider actually getting married, and seriously re-think having kids; for the sake of ALL parties (60+%) concerned. If you have any doubts of any of what I’m saying, please ask the people who have been through a contested divorce. (60% of the people reading this came from homes affected by it. But were unaware of what the parents went through).
[Something I know from personal experience.] You should be aware that in family law, especially around divorce, there are two “people”. Sounds like a statement of the obvious but I’m setting the stage. In divorce law, one of them is the Earner, and the other is the Spouse. This can be broken down, semantically, which…